Sunday, May 27, 2012

Creative God

Sunday 5/27/2012 7:27 AM
Yesterday I went fishing with Ryan.  I only caught one but Ryan caught a quite a few, as usual.  What impressed me was the variety of different fish we caught.  There were large mouth bass, small mouth bass, rock bass, perch, blue gill and pike.  When we got home we went to the park and had a picnic with the kids and grandkids.  There were huge cottonwood trees that were shedding their seeds, so much so that it almost looked as if it were snowing.  There were also various maples, walnuts, oaks and evergreens of different kinds.  This morning I am sitting on the deck and observing different birds, robins, blue jays, gold finches, sparrows, cardinals, ducks and geese.  Flowers are also dotting the landscape, petunias, clematis, lobelia, snapdragons, stock, poppies, iris, peonies and impatiens.  There is a bit of a breeze and I noticed the wing of an insect lying on the table.  I picked it up and noted its shape and structure.  There was a skeletal structure of either small bones or cartilage with a gossamer membrane stretched between them.  It appeared that the structure allowed the tip of the wing to be manipulated separately from the main portion of the wing.  The more I looked at it I wondered if it belonged to an insect or if it was the remnants of a seedpod from the maple tree a short distance away.  I picked up one of the seedpods to examine them side-by-side and discovered that the shapes were very similar.  However, the structure of the seedpod was much more complex and rigid and looked like a branching river nearing its delta.
Psalm 104:24 states, “How many are your works, Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”  I am only in one small corner of God’s creation but his creativity is certainly evident to me this morning.

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