Thursday, March 21, 2019

God's Glove

Thursday 3/21/19 5:45 AM
Much of my devotional time over the past couple of years has been trying to determine what it is that God would have me do to help right the injustice in the world. When it comes to specific actions that I feel God wants me to pursue, there has been nothing but silence.
Today I read this prayer in the book The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, by Hannah Whitall Smith: “Lord, I am thine; I do yield myself up entirely to thee, and I believe that thou dost take me. I leave myself with thee. Work in me all the good pleasure of thy will, and I will only lie still in thy hands and trust thee.” That is considerably different than the prayer I’ve been praying; that God would give me something to do. Somehow lying still in the hands of God, trusting him to do what is necessary flies against everything I’ve been taught, namely, to avoid sloth and to work hard.
I hope to work in the yard for a while today or tomorrow. I will wear gloves to protect my hands. The gloves do nothing but cover my hands, which are doing the work. The analogy is probably a poor one but, Lord, make me like a glove, molded to your hands and accompanying you as you work in the world.