Saturday, April 14, 2012

Waxing and Waning

Saturday 4/14/2012 6:14 AM
As I ran this morning the waning moon dominated the lightening sky.  It is in its final quarter and will be waxing again a week or so from now.  I thought about the phases of the moon as I ran and realized that from the point of view of the sun, the moon is always full, its shadowed side is visible only to the earth.
We often talk about he dark side of the moon, but that side is not always dark.  Because the moon is in synchronous rotation around the earth the same side of the moon always faces the earth.  However, what we call the dark side of the moon is fully illuminated during a new moon.  From the earth’s perspective the moon waxes and wanes, oscillating between full and new moon phases.  From the sun’s perspective the moon is always full, its shadowed side always the side facing away from the sun.
I thought about how the circumstances of my life and my spiritual life wax and wane.  At times my circumstances are sunny and bright and at other times everything seems dark and encased in shadow.  My spiritual life is the same; at times I reflect the glory of God for others to see while other times I eclipse the glory of God.
God’s desire is that I am in synchronous rotation with his Spirit.  When that happens I am always reflecting God’s love for others to see.  I spend most of my life in synchronous rotation around the things of this world, obsessed with fame or possessions or power and the like.  When my focus is on those things then the reflection of the glory of God in my life waxes and wanes like the moon.
Jesus needs to reign in my life if I am to constantly reflect the glory of God.  The hymn writer, Isaac Watts, says it well.  “Jesus shall reign where e’er the sun does his successive journeys run; his kingdom stretch from shore to shore, till moons shall wax and wane no more.”  I pray that I will be in synchronous rotation with the Spirit so I will wax and wane no more.

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