Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ring Wraith

Sunday 4/22/2012 6:15 AM
I saw a neighborhood regular shortly after I left my house as I ran this morning.  She was shuffling along on the opposite side of the street dressed in a black hoodie, pulled low around her face, and black bell bottom sweats that are torn and shredded, exposing her unwashed, blackened, bare feet.  Her appearance resembles that of a ring wraith in The Lord of the Rings and, as I passed, I heard her talking to herself.  She appears to be someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or else someone who suffers from some sort of mental illness.  I got nervous when I ran past her, wondering if she would jump at me with a knife or a used hypodermic needle, perceiving me to be a threat.  When I returned from my run I saw her again, gesturing wildly in the air, as if she were arguing with an unseen opponent. 
I prayed for her both times I saw her but, while my heart went out to her, I wondered what I could do to help her to be released from her bondage.  I thought about her childhood and I wondered what circumstances led her to this point.  I believe she needs to be in some sort of drug or alcohol rehabilitation program or else she needs to take some sort of medication to deal with her mental illness and I wondered about her willingness to participate in such programs.  As usual, my heart tells me she needs help but I am at a loss as to the specifics of how to act.  I realize that ultimately it is only the power of God that can release her from her bondage but I also know that God works through his people to affect his will.
She, of course, is not alone in her problems.  Thousands of the homeless suffer from similar difficulties.  There are others who function in society but are slaves to alcohol or recreational drugs.  Some are slaves to their anger, preventing them from establishing meaningful relationships with others.  Once again, I feel overwhelmed by the immensity of the problem.  Prayer is the only thing I can think to do but it seems hollow without being accompanied by some sort of action.  But, lacking ideas for action, I will simply pray.  Lord, release us from the bondage that prevents us from living lives as you meant them to be lived.

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