Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dry Ice Fog

Thursday 12/26/2013 7:23 AM
The other day we received a package for my daughter from Omaha Steaks.  It was packed in dry ice and I removed the meat from its Styrofoam container, put it in our freezer and discarded the dry ice in my front flowerbed.  The sublimation of the frozen carbon dioxide created a fog that sunk to the low spots in the flowerbed, a microclimate that interacted with the warmer air above.
The invocation in my devotional material this week is a prayer taken from The Pursuit of God, by A. W. Tozer.  It begins with these words, “Rise, O Lord, into your proper place of honor, above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family, my health and even my life itself.  Let me decrease that you may increase, let me sink that you may rise above.”  I spent a lot of time over the past few days celebrating Christmas with my family that lives nearby.  I love my children, their spouses and my grandchildren very much.  We celebrated with good food and by reminiscing about days past, remembering God’s goodness to us.  This year’s Christmas celebration has been punctuated by sickness.  The stomach flu has been passed around from grandchild to grandchild and this morning brings news of Emily succumbing to the flu and round two of the flu for Trey.
The prayer above is a good reminder of two things.  My relationship with God and my love for him needs to supersede my love for my family and for my health.  In addition, if I sink like the fog in my flowerbed and allow God to rise, then any interaction I have with the world will be through God.  My harshness and cold-heartedness will be tempered by the love of God.  If that happens regularly it will be sublime for everyone involved.

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