Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cultivating Gratitude

Tuesday 12/24/2013 6:58 AM
A couple of weeks ago I had a routine physical and, as a part of the physical, they did a blood test.  Last week I received the results of the test and discovered that my cholesterol level was low and that I was at a decreased risk of heart disease.  Needless to say, I was happy with the results and I attributed it to my habit of regular exercise.
This morning during my run I thought about it again.  Suddenly the theme of my devotions for the week came to mind, gratitude.  I thought about the thirty-six years that I have been running regularly and I realized that I don’t often thank God for that.  I pride myself in having the discipline to run but I seldom thank God for giving me the desire and the ability to do so.
One sentence from Prayer and the Common Life, by Georgia Harkness, convicted me this morning.  “It is a mark of religious insensitiveness that instead of grateful recognition of unworthiness to receive the gifts of God, there is so often acceptance without gratitude or contrition but with complaint when things go wrong.”  My call to prayer today is a good reminder for each day.  “We are admonished to thank God for all things.  St. James even says to be thankful for the trials and temptations.  A grateful spirit is not readily found, but must be cultivated.  Remember that every good thing comes from the Father.”  It's time to get out my hoe and do some cultivating.

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