Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lip Doorkeeper

Tuesday 9/18/2012 6:38 AM
Yesterday was review day in a couple of my classes.  I spend the entire class period answering any questions the students may have and work various problems on the board to clarify any misunderstandings.  After a period of time most questions have been answered and I tell the students they may leave if they have no further questions but I will stay until the last student leaves.  In both classes the students had all left about a half hour before the class was scheduled to end, presumably all questions having been answered.
Later in the afternoon I received an email from a student who had attended class asking for help on a problem similar to three different examples I had done during class.  I had written all the steps on the board and then followed the steps as I worked through the examples.  There were also three examples in the book and the student’s question irritated me since it seemed like she had paid no attention during class time when she had opportunity to ask her question.  I fired off an email explaining the proper way to solve the problem and then complained to my officemate.  I told my officemate that I wanted to begin my email like this, “Dear Asshole, please pay attention in class.”  After I said it out loud I realized that it was probably an inappropriate thing to say and I apologized for my language.  She said it was no big deal and we continued our conversation, both expressing frustration over students who don’t seem to take their studies seriously.
This morning I read Psalm 141:3-4 as part of my assigned scripture.  “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.  Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds along with those who are evildoers; do not let me eat of their delicacies.”  I immediately thought of yesterday’s inappropriate conversation and I realized that my conversations are often laced with sarcasm and cynicism.  I pride myself in my quick wit and sharp tongue but too often my comments could be interpreted in a way that would make it seem that I don’t care or that I am coldhearted, neither of which are true.  My conversation needs to be seasoned with love and compassion.  We certainly have more than enough cynicism and sarcasm to go around in the world today.  Lord, set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips.

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