Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fingernail Clipping

Wednesday 8/15/2012 6:07 AM
I went for my regular early morning run today and as I turned eastward I noticed the moon, hanging in the eastern sky like a fingernail clipping.  It was difficult to see because of the thinness of the crescent but also because the lightening sky was washing out its meager reflection of the sun’s rays.
The thought of a fingernail sent my mind wandering and eventually conjured up the image of a cartoon character hanging on to a ledge by its fingernails, struggling to hang on but recognizing the futility of its effort and the inevitability of a fall.  A voice inside my head told me that the fragile, waning moon pretty accurately describes my faith life at the moment, trying to hang on to God and reflect him in the world while slowly fading away, washed out by the wider world around me.
As I continued running the Spirit reminded me that the devil feels the same way, like he’s hanging on by his fingernails.  He has had his way in the world for a long time, masquerading as an angel of light, but he has been defeated and the kingdom of God is now forcefully advancing, so much so that the gates of hell will not be able to withstand it.  As G. F. Handel states in The Hallelujah Chorus, “The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ.”
While my attempts to reflect the love and nature of God in the world may seem feeble and insignificant to me and to others around me, nevertheless, God uses them to bring about his kingdom.  Why God chooses to use imperfect people to bring about his will is a mystery to me but thank God, his kingdom will come regardless.

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