Tuesday, March 13, 2012

No Presence

Tuesday 3/13/2012 5:26 AM
I woke extremely early this morning with thoughts of my busy day coursing through my brain.  It is my long day of teaching, with classes from 7:30 this morning until 5:00 this evening.  The Math Club at school is doing a fundraiser and I have volunteered to have pie thrown in my face for the cause so my normal lunch break is filled with that activity.  Tonight I am singing with a group at a fundraiser for the Artesia Christian Home.  That begins at 6:30 and goes into the evening.  The coming week also is my second round of midterm tests so I have tests to make and correct.  The combination of planning for my busy day and anticipating what needs to happen in the near future is putting my mind on overload and I have difficulty concentrating.
The past couple of weeks have also been quiet regarding my relationship with God.  When I sit for my morning devotions I receive little direction from God.  I have a feeling it is because my thoughts are consumed with other things and I don’t take the time to stop and listen for God’s voice.  My assigned scripture today included the story of the lost sheep in Matthew 18.  I have a feeling that sheep is me.  The closing benediction in my reading today is a perfect prayer for me.  “In this moment, my Lord, I have struggled to be honestly present to you.  Thank you for staying with me.  Go with me, stay with me the whole day through.”

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