Sunday, February 5, 2012

Crumb Comb

Sunday 2/5/2012 5:54 AM
 I often encourage my students to celebrate the little things of life.  Too often we wait for the big events to happen before we celebrate, but the big things never seem to come along.  I long for the big things to happen in my life with God but, like in my regular daily living, they seldom come along.
Macrina Wiederkehr gives some sound advice in her book A Tree Full of Angels.
The reason we live life so dimly and with such divided hearts is that we have never really learned how to be present with quality to God, to self, to others, to experiences and events, to all created things.  We have never learned to gather up the crumbs of whatever appears in our path at every moment.  We meet all of these lovely gifts only half there.  Presence is what we are all starving for.  Real presence!  We are too busy to be present, too blind to see the nourishment and salvation in the crumbs of life the experiences of each moment.  Yet the secret of daily life is this: There are no leftovers!  There is nothing–no thing, no person, no experience, no thought, no joy or pain–that cannot be harvested and used for nourishment on our journey to God.
Perhaps I should take the advice I give to my students.  Rather than waiting for the big extravaganzas of my life with God I need to invest in a crumb comb and start collecting.  Let the feast begin!

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