Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Seat at the Table

Wednesday 2/19/20 6:10 AM
We had the grandkids over the weekend and I spent yesterday recuperating. While they were here we spent time playing outside and going for walks. Whenever I am with them I act excited about everything. I am perhaps best known for my celebration of water meters and water valves as we walk  the sidewalks through the neighborhood.
The theme of my devotions this week is wonder, a fitting theme given my attempts to inspire wonder in my grandkids this weekend. My psalm this week is Psalm 113, which includes these verses, “(God) raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people.” The God who created this universe is concerned about the poor and needy. That is a wonder indeed. The society in which I live idolizes riches and power, the opposite end of the spectrum. God’s desire is that the poor and needy have a place at the table of the leaders of our society and the leaders of the church.
Today is trash pickup day in my neighborhood. While I was walking I saw three different people picking through the trash cans, looking for recyclable material. I imagine those three people were either homeless or poor. God does not want people to have to pick through trash to survive. He wants them to have a place at the table where decisions are made and community is practiced. The very people despised by our society and who are often seen as a scourge, or as parasites, are loved by God and should be accepted by and loved by his church.
The community around our church is comprised of a large number of poor, disenfranchised people. I believe we need to give them a place of honor in our church where they can lead and show the great transforming power of God in their lives. Those of us currently in charge need to step back and give them a place at the table.

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