Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do I Make God Bigger or Smaller?

Wednesday 2/12/2014 4:09 AM
1 Peter 2:12-17 gives some great advice that Christians would do well to heed.  “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.  Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.  For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.  Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.  Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.”
Somehow it seems that the broader Christian community latches on to certain verses in the Bible, which they champion with the enthusiasm of a town crier, while ignoring the practical verses like those above that give concrete ways to live and interact with others.  The Christian community rails against homosexuality, abortion, and the like, but, when it comes to living peaceably with their neighbors, loving the alien, and submitting to government authorities, they are nowhere to be found.  They insist on their own rights but do not seek justice for those who are oppressed. They feel slighted and victimized at the least intrusion of government into their lives but ignore the plight of many throughout the world who are being slaughtered by their governments.
 Peter suggests that we should live in such a way that God is made bigger when people see our actions.  As it is, it would appear that God is being diminished because of our arrogant way of interacting with those around us.  It seems hopeless.  I need to make sure I am not a part of the problem.  Lord, give me the grace to walk in humility with you.

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