Tuesday 11/18/2014 4:23 AM
Psalm 19 begins with these words, “The heavens declare the
glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour
forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech,
they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into
all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” This past weekend I went
on a motorcycle ride with three of my friends. We took a short three-day trip
that lead us through Death Valley, through the Owen’s Valley, over the Sierra
Nevada Mountains, through gold rush country and into the San Joaquin Valley
before returning home. We saw a wide variety of scenery from the dry desert to
snow-capped mountains, from the lowest point in North America to a nine
thousand foot pass and from barren land to land filled with crops and
livestock. David was right; they had no speech, they used no words, no sound
was heard from them yet their voice spoke to anyone who took the time to
I have complained over the past year that God seems silent;
his voice seems still when I tune my ear to listen. But I heard more from God
in the past few days riding my motorcycle through the beautiful California
landscape than I have over the past two years reading my Bible. Seeing plants
clinging to life in the bone-dry desert gives me hope that some semblance of
life with God may lie beneath the barren landscape of my soul.
One of my concerns about my current lack of connection with
God is a fear that I have lost my voice in proclaiming the glory of God to the
world around me. How can I encourage others to have intimacy with God when I am
not experiencing it myself? How can the love of God ooze from my pores for
others to see and to experience when the love of God seems absent from me? I
wonder if, like the heavens, my voice will go out to the ends of the world even
when there are no words, no speech, and no sound echoing within my soul. I pray
that the glory of God can be evident to others in my barren life in the same
way the plant clinging to life in Death Valley revealed the glory of God to me.
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