Monday 7/4/2016 5:41 AM
Last Saturday one of my nieces posted a comment on Facebook
noting that Garrison Keillor made his last appearance on A Prairie Home Companion. She noted that, in addition to being an
entertainer, “he has also been an instigator and provocateur for the plight of
humanity.” In the same post she acknowledged the death of Elie Wiesel, about
whom the same could be said. She queried, “Who will stand in those gaps?” and
her husband, who is also wise, responded, “You!”
I’m quite certain Garrison Keillor and Elie Wiesel did not
sit down one day and say, “I think I will become an instigator and provocateur
for the plight of humanity.” They simply saw the injustices that are rampant in
our world and responded in a way that was consistent with their own gifts and
talents. People were drawn to the truth of their message, the humility with
which it was delivered, and the consistency with which they lived their lives.
The theme of my devotions this week is boldness. The
scriptures I have read over the past couple of days include the prayers of the
disciples after having been arrested by the religious authorities of their day
and being told to remain silent about Jesus. After being released from custody
they met together to pray for boldness to speak the truth and then went out and
spoke. Today people who speak out against racial discrimination, social
injustices, corporate greed, and the like are often castigated by the
established church community and are labeled as socialists, communists, etc. I
wonder how the church has wandered so far from the gospel Jesus preached, which
included compassion for the poor, justice for the oppressed, and acceptance for
the alien. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised, since it seems the organized
religion of Jesus’ day had done the same. It was against that hypocrisy that
Jesus was the most vocal.
My reading also included this excerpt from Spiritual Preparation for Christian
Leadership, by E. Glenn Hinson. “The church and the world need saints. They
need saints more than they need more canny politicians, more brilliant
scientists, more grossly overpaid executives and entrepreneurs, more clever
entertainers and talk-show hosts. Are there any on the horizon now that Mother
Teresa is no longer with us, either of the extraordinary or of the ordinary
kind? I think there are. Maybe I should say that there are saints ‘aborning’ by
God’s grace. There are those whose lives have been irradiated by God’s grace,
who seek not to be safe but to be faithful, who have learned how to get along
in adversity, who are joyful, who are dream filled, and above all, who are
prayerful. That is what the church and the world need most. It begins with
I see the injustices that are so evident in our world but I
feel overwhelmed and completely inadequate to “stand in the gap.” After all,
who would pay attention to a math teacher in an insignificant school buried in
metropolitan Los Angeles County? I try to speak the truth and to live
consistently, with humility, but my voice gets lost in the cacophony of the LA
culture. E. Glenn Hinson suggests that I need to be faithful, learn how to get
along in adversity, be joyful, and to be dream filled and prayerful. That is my
goal but it seems to have little, if no, effect. I have a feeling my niece
feels the same way. She needs to hear the same message I did today, “It begins
with you.”
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