Sunday, September 24, 2017

Foolishness and Wisdom

Sunday 9/24/2017 5:38 AM
Lately it seems like all rational thought and common sense has left our society. Civility is no longer exercised in our discourse. In general, it seems like we behave like spoiled children, from the lowliest members of society to the President of the United States. What we need is a strong dose of wisdom from our leaders, not the attitude and behavior of a middle schooler.
Eugene Peterson describes wisdom in his book Earth and Altar. He writes, “The opposite of foolish in Scripture is wise. Wise refers to skill in living. It does not mean, primarily, the person who knows the right answers to things, but one who has developed the right responses (relationships) to persons, to God. The wise understand how the world works; know about patience and love, listening and grace, adoration and beauty; know that other people are awesome creatures to be respected and befriended, especially the ones that I cannot get anything out of; know that the earth is a marvelously intricate gift to be cared for and enjoyed; know that God is an every-present center, a never-diminishing reality, an all-encompassing love; and know that there is not living being that does not reach out gladly and responsively to [God] and the nation/kingdom/community in which [God] has placed us.”
I long for the day when our society tires of our dysfunctional way of living and begins to exercise the patience, love, listening, grace, adoration, and respect to which Peterson refers. A day when people and relationships are nurtured and appreciated and our environment is cared for, protected, and enjoyed. We need to turn from our foolishness and begin exercising our wisdom.