Thursday 7/27/2017 7:11 AM
I have always enjoyed my work as a math teacher. I feel as
if I were created for the job. Of course, as in any job, there are times when I
become frustrated by the bureaucracy of education, but overall, it is a
wonderful job. I am content in my work and, although retirement is inevitable, I
am not longing for it.
Today I read a quote by Mother Teresa from her book Words to Love By that speaks of being
content. “The work we do is only our love for Jesus in action. … If we pray the
work … if we do it to Jesus, if we do it for Jesus, if we do it with Jesus …
that’s what makes us content.” While I make no claim to have done this
perfectly I have tried to see my work as something done for God. I am teaching people
made in the image of God, who are children of God. If I can keep that in the
forefront of my mind I am more likely to give my best, to work my hardest, to
be more patient, and in the final say, be content in my work as a result.