Monday 3/31/2014 5:06 AM
A phrase of my opening prayer caught my attention this
morning. “Give us such love to thee as
may sweeten our obedience.” Sweet seems
like a strange adjective to describe obedience and, as I am prone to do, I
tried to contrast it with sour obedience.
When I did so my mind went immediately back to when my children were
small and I asked them to pick up their toys.
Sometimes they would do so cheerfully, especially if there was something
special that was going to happen afterwards like going away somewhere or
perhaps eating ice cream. At other times
obedience was accompanied by an attitude of resentment and done begrudgingly.
Pleasant tasks that need to be done can probably always be
characterized by sweet obedience. It is
easy to maintain a positive attitude when the job I am doing is something I
enjoy but when the task is unpleasant there are only a couple of things that
can change my attitude from sour to sweet.
Unpleasant tasks can be made sweeter when you are working alongside
other people. Our church does service
projects in a local neighborhood four times per year. The job we do is usually painting and
cleaning up yards by trimming bushes, weeding flowerbeds or disposing of piles
of junk. Jobs like that can be
overwhelming when done alone but somehow working with thirty or forty other
people not only make the job go more quickly but the job even seems more
pleasant. Unpleasant tasks can also be
made sweeter if you love the person for whom you are doing the job. I do not enjoy changing dirty diapers but
when my grandchildren have a dirty diaper I gladly change it because I do not
want them to be uncomfortable or get diaper rash. My love for them changes my attitude about
the job.
My opening prayer suggests that if my love for God
increases then my attitude towards being obedient to God will be better. The closing prayer of my devotional material
this week says, “Be bound to Christ for this day and always.” If I am bound to Christ then I will always be
working beside him and any unpleasant task will be made sweeter. Lord, increase my capacity for love and give
me an awareness of your presence in my life to sweeten my obedience.