Sunday 8/25/2013 5:32 AM
This year my lawn frustrates me. I have fertilized it regularly but watering
has been somewhat irregular. Lately I
have been trying to be more consistent in watering but the lawn is not turning
its normal lush green, it has dead, brown spots that never seem to green
up. Friday I finally lost patience with
it and scalped it by mowing it with the lowest level on my mower. It is now completely brown but I did notice
there were a number of bugs that were dislodged from their homes in the
process. I think the thickness of the
thatch was keeping the water from reaching the roots and also providing
sanctuary for bugs that were keeping the lawn unhealthy. I will see if this results in a healthier,
lush green lawn.
My devotional theme this week has been meditation. The writings for the week encourage me to
take time to be quiet before God, to listen and to patiently wait to see what
God will say. This kind of patient
listening is something that is difficult to do in our modern, fast-paced world. However, sometimes I think I spend too much
time reading my Bible and meditating without actually doing what it is that God
is telling me. There is a sense in which
I am like my lawn, overgrown with a thatch of God-knowledge so deep that the
pain of the world doesn’t penetrate to my heart. Perhaps God needs to do some scalping,
dislodging the sin that lies hidden deep within the façade I show the world so
his love can penetrate my heart to make me more loving toward those who need to
experience it the most.