Wednesday, April 10, 2013

God's Gift

Wednesday 4/10/2013 4:04 AM
This past weekend I mowed my lawn, weeded the flowerbeds, trimmed the bushes and watered everything.  I love working in my yard, making everything look neat and clean while enjoying the outdoors.
For the last two days Jaci and I took care of Trey, Quinn, and Crew while Andy and Jessica spend a few days away.  Jaci did the majority of the work when I was at school but when I came home I played with toys on the floor with the kids, I changed dirty diapers, I wiped snotty noses, played tag and hide and seek, kicked a ball and played other made up games using out imaginations while running outside with them on the front lawn.  I read books, watched kids movies, fed them snacks and meals and tucked them in bed after prayers and kisses.  I love being with the grandkids.
The last couple of days at school I taught my classes, tutored students in the tutoring center, met with colleagues, wrote and corrected quizzes, updated my website, and talked with various secretaries, custodians and groundskeepers.  I love my job.
My assigned scripture for today includes Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, “I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil – this is the gift of God.”  I have received a greater gift than most.  Thank you, God.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Trust and Thanks

Saturday 4/6/2013 8:20 AM
Yesterday I mowed Manuel’s lawn for the last time.  He came home while I was mowing and said that he was well enough to mow his own lawn and that he would be doing it from now on.  We talked at length about his devastating motorcycle accident, his recovery and his newfound faith in God.  He described his life previous to the accident as being empty and now he feels full, full of love and life.  We had a wonderful conversation and he shared that he no longer worries about things.  He trusts that God will take care of everything, from medical bills that need to be paid to relationships that need to be mended.  Trust in God is the hallmark of faith.  A believer trusts in God for salvation and he trusts in God for provision and for direction as he lives his life.
My assigned reading today includes Matthew 18:3, Jesus’ words to his disciples.  “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  I immediately thought of my grandchildren.  They trust their parents for everything.  They do not lay awake at night wondering where their next meal is coming from or whether they will have clothes to wear in the morning.  They aren’t concerned about what other people will think of them if there is snot running down their nose or their socks are mismatched.  Without even thinking about it, they trust their parents will provide for their needs.  They live simply and enjoy life as it comes.
Psalm 23 is my psalm for the week.  In it David acknowledges God’s provision for him.  He lacks nothing.  He trusts God to provide green pastures and quiet waters to refresh him.  He trusts God to guide him in the right way and to walk with him through difficulty.  He anticipates a life filled with goodness and love because he trusts God.
My neighbor Manuel has undergone a drastic change in the past nine months since his motorcycle accident.  He has learned to trust God to provide for him and to guide him in the right way to live.  He has responded to God’s love by trying to live a life of grateful thanksgiving.  He is a good reminder and example for me to live with the same sense of gratitude and trust in God.